Portfolio / Cleantech / Waterotor Energy Technologies
Waterotor Energy Technologies

Waterotor Energy Technologies

Hydroelectrical generator to harvest electricity from slow moving water.
At a glance:

Waterotor came to Design 1st for help commercializing its hydroelectric generator technology for slow-moving water. Waterotor had a proof-of-function prototype that was successful in generating electricity in laboratory conditions but to get to market they needed to redesign their system to meet cost, transportation, and volume manufacturing needs.

Waterotor Proof-of-Function Prototype
3D CAD Concept of New Waterotor Design
3D CAD of Mechanical GearBox for New Waterotor Design
Prototype Parts of Mechanical Gearbox of Waterotor
Design 1st Electronics Team Running Simulations on Waterotor Prototype
Design 1st Team With Rotor Pre-Production Prototype Ready for Testing
Waterotor Prototype Being Transported to Infield Testing Facility
Waterotor Being Lowered Into River for Pre-Production Prototype Testing
Waterotor Being Lowered Onto River Bed for Testing